22 mayo, 2006

barça pal blogg

Just few things about barça:

We are the winners. I'm happy but I don't belive in football......... the question is: how many catalan people are in the team? 1, 2, 3........ yes, we are right, they won, we won, i'm feeling winner as well, but barça could be any other name. It doesn't represent my city at all.

I'm sure I will recive critics for this unusual comment but, anyway, we are living (even me) in a democractic country, so: free expression!

I don't mind to dedicate some space on the Blogg for Barça, because I know most of my people love them, and have the BlauGrana feeling inside their hearts. Here you have some pictures of how we celebrate it in London (Arsenals city).

Just to say that after the match, the city was much quiet than never before...... the city was sad while we were celebrating the result in Miriam's and Wayne's place. Toni rented a projector (so we were feeling like being on the Cap Nou.


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